
Be Our Valentine

… And help us do even MORE than we did last year!

In 2024, with your support …

We served 90 Families at Easter last year, including 75 disabled veterans in Toledo.

For Thanksgiving 2024, we proudly served 105 local families in need of a Thanksgiving Food Basket.

For Christmas 2024, we proudly served another 105 local families in need of a Christmas Food Basket.

We held a Veterans Hot Chocolate Cocoa Bar. We hosted our first “all the trimmings” Hot Chocolate Cocoa Bar & Desserts.

Thanks to our Annual Toy Drive, children’s eyes lit up as we donated over 500 toys to local families, spreading the joy of Christmas.

We warmed up Toledo with blankets, hats & handwarmers, gloves and our “Angel Boxes” which included warm socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and more. These Angel Boxes were handed out to our friends that are living on the streets.

Help us make 2025 even better for families in need!

Carmel’s Donates 10% Every Saturday Until December 31

Every Saturday through December 31, Carmel’s will donate 10% of their profits to A.N.G.E.L.S. Outreach, as much in celebration of their 55 years in business as their partnership with A.N.G.E.L.S. Outreach. Every year they host our Toy Drive, and we’re honored and thankful to be in partnership with them and to celebrate their 55 years as a mainstay of Toledo.

Texas Roadhouse in Holland To Donate 10% Of Sales On Monday October 28

Help ANGELS Outreach help those in need by coming to the Holland Texas Roadhouse location at 6137 Trust Drive on Monday October 28.

Download this flyer to your computer and print it, or save it to your phone and present it to your server, and Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of your bill to ANGELS Outreach.
We help families in need by providing meal baskets during Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, with the help of angels like you and Texas Roadhouse. Click or tap the link below to download a PDF of the flyer.

Sponsor & Volunteer Appreciation Event At Taylor Kia Hyundai A Success

We’d like to thank Taylor Kia Hyundai in Perrysburg for hosting our Sponsor & Volunteer Appreciation Event and for providing food and beverages for our attendees. Taylor Kia – Hyundai has been and continues to be a fantastic sponsor and supporter of ANGELS Outreach. The event was a success and we owe it all to Taylor Hyundai of Perrysburg.

Thanks to musician Jaime Mills for the live entertainment. And special thanks to Katie Maskey for all her hard work.

See our Image Gallery for images of the festivities.


Halo Sponsor: Foundation Steel

Foundation Steel reinforced ANGELS Outreach with a donation to help us feed needy families in the Toledo during the holidays. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Halo Sponsor: IBEW 8

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 8 (IBEW 8) gifted ANGELS Outreach with a donation to aid our efforts to feed needy families in the Toledo area during the holidays. Thank you so much IBEW 8 for your generosity!